If you have experienced devastating loss, it may seem that the world is ending. This post is designed to help you experience life after loss. Now more than ever the most important thing you can do is practice exceptionally great self care. Yes that is the key. You must first take superlative care of YOURSELF and Continue Reading…
Getting Your Life Back and the Power of Intention
My Mom and Dad were as close as one could come to an African American version of Archie and Edith Bunker. They were dear darling precious people gone way to soon. Mom died at age 64, Dad several years later when he was 69. He just died because she did. They were that close. We were Continue Reading…
Why you need a Joy Infusion in your life NOW and how to Get it today!
Researchers have proven that you need massive amounts of Joy in your life or else: Or else…. What, you say? Your body needs Joy to create the hormones, and positive cell formations that you need to be healthy. If you don’t give your body the Joy it needs then your body will make you get it Continue Reading…